How do I Form a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)?

Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP)

   1. Choose a name

Your name must end with Limited Liability Partnership, or LLP.

   2. Registered address

The registered address of the LLP is the official address. This is where all the written communication must be sent. The registered office address must be a physical address and must be in the same country as where your LLP is registered.

   3. Registering your LLP

You can register your LLP either electronically, using a third-party software, by post, by filling out an application form, or through an agent who handles the registration for you.

   4. Making the LLP agreement

As part of setting up your LLP, you can make an LLP agreement. The agreement sets out how the LLP will be run. Some of the provisions it contains are, how profits are shared among members, who needs to agree to decisions, members’ responsibilities, and how members can join or leave the LLP.

Members of the LLP must carry out their duties and meet their legal responsibilities set out in the LLP agreement. Members must also register for self-assessment with HMRC.

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